
Product Designer & Researcher
May 2022 - July 2022


User Research / User Journey Mapping / Competitive Analysis / Visual design / Prototyping / Testing

About the project

SNACKCLUB is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) from Brazil with a large community on Discord (45.000 members). I led the entire Product Design process for a three-month project about the SNACKCLUB community and its platform. The aim of this project was to understand how potential users transact crypto on a daily basis, what pain points they encounter, analyze how users consider learning blockchain products and identify the feeling of security with the processes they have.
The challenge

As part of a crucial team formed to bridge the gap between our competitors, I led the design process with the overall goal of building a hub of crypto-related products for this community.

My initial design questions were, “How can we deliver a good product to the community?” and “How do users feel about the products they already use on the market?”

The research

371 total responses were collected through a survey published on the community's Discord server. This first research was with an open audience segmentation.
Send me an email to check the complete research results.
CAD Matrix
I used the method CAD Matrix to document the certainties, assumptions and doubts that I had about the project, for example:
✅ Certainty: In the quantitative research carried out with the community, 3 out of 4 users stated that they only understand "a little" about cryptocurrencies and its market.
💭 Assumption: The users would like to have more features that support them in their daily lives dealing with crypto.
🤔 Doubt: Does the users miss any feature in the applications they already use?

After the research, I updated the CAD Matrix to document whether the doubts were resolved and whether the assumptions were correct.
CAD Matrix before and after the research.
Key insights 

💡 Education: We could use the SNACKCLUB platform for learning and guides about blockchain, this could bring more knowledge to the community and the feeling of more security about crypto transactions. We need to maintain learning for users during or after using SNACKCLUB products.
💡 Security: We can bring clarity throughout the process to bring security to users. With informations of education, we can reach this goal reiterating what SNACKCLUB is, our partners and networks bringing more confidence and security at the moment of initial perception of the product. Think about direct communication channels, customer service and externalizing this interaction with users, showing ways of service provides for the user with secure support in case something happens during transactions.

💡 Ease of use: Bring agility in the use of functions within products, making the user fulfill their tasks easily.

💡 88.6% identify as male: Investing in gender-equitable actions in the gamer market may be necessary to make the Community a more welcoming place for other genders.

💡 Metamask is used by 3 out of 4 users: We may need to guide the users on creating a Metamask wallet, or start accepting other wallets.
💡 72.3% experienced users use crypto regularly because of Web 3 Games: Continuing to develop solutions focused on the public and gamer flows can bring results faster.
💡 For new users, the main advantage of the Web 3 market is the opportunity to profit: Leverage interest in the “opportunity to profit from crypto” in our marketing and education communications.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The creation of two personas after the research helped me to estimate the Community's response to future SNACKCLUB releases. I could understand the pain, needs and feelings of the final audience of our solutions.

In the image below I show one of the personas user journey, from the stage where she opens a play-to-earn game, through stages where she connects her crypto wallet and buys the game's currency, earns money by playing, opens the Binance platform and withdraws the money.
Competitive Analysis 

Before diving into the design, I conducted a competitive analysis of other Crypto-Gaming Platforms. My goal was to gather insights on features, value propositions, user flow, layout, tone and language. I took an in-depth look at two competitors, Community Gaming and Gamer Craft. 

I compared their characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and especially whether there was any material related to educating users about crypto or blockchain because I considered that this was the most important insight to help the users.
User flow
I created the user flow using Miro. The user flow included decision points to ensure a smooth navigation experience. I made a presentation to the team and to stakeholders of the project and together we prioritized the features and selected what would go into the MVP and later what would be in future versions.

⚠️ Important: These below are just the first login and registration user flows of the SNACKCLUB platform. The platform evolves a lot and I had to add a plenty of other features in later flows that got too big.
Ideation and Design

For the first verstion of the SNACKCLUB platform, I tried to create an environment that referred to games, crypto, blockchain and also that was user friendly, with a cool and easy to understand language. 
As I mentioned previously, the platform has evolved a lot and new features were added. I also participated in the creation of the other features like the home page, tournaments (coming soon in my portfolio) login and events. Here below you can check the first prototype version of the games page with desktop and mobile version, empty states and components.
✨ Highlight ✨

To solve the problem of the lack of information about crypto and blockchain and thinking about the education insight, I created a fixed session on the right side of the platform with information that can help the users to understand better about the blockchain universe and how that could help the user to enjoy more SNACKCLUB's products.
Design System

I created the design system with the help of two other designers with the goal of create and maintain the entire platform with its visual identity and use of components. Together on Figma we were able to create the grids, colors, different buttons and states, text fields among other components. In collaboration, we also thought about the platform illustrations and 3D elements with SNACKCLUB's illustrators and motion designers. Check out the design system preview below.

It was great for me to work with blockchain-related products, as it was something new for me so I had the opportunity to learn a lot about this area. I had the freedom to lead the projects assigned to me in the way that I thought was most appropriate and that benefited the users. Having the opportunity to work not only on this SNACKCLUB project but on all of the other projects allowed me to leverage my Product Design skills. Today I'm proud to say that all my design work and contributions on SNACKCLUB projects resulted in an intuitive and user-friendly experience platform that enabled the users to understand more about blockchain and crypto while having fun playing video games and earning money.

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